IG 26 DF
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Decades ago, immunology researchers began to investigate the possible health benefits to humans that could be obtained by consuming products from hyperimmunized suckler cows and laying hens. Agronomists soon discovered that they could simultaneously immunize a single laying hen against several human germs. The resulting avian immunoglobulins, called IgY, are transferred to the egg yolk, parallel to the way human immunoglobulins (IgG) are passed to the placenta. From this discovery, a new functional food was born: the "hyperimmune egg". IG 26 DF is the result of special hyperimmune egg harvesting and processing techniques that result in a versatile, immunoglobulin-rich, dried hyperimmune egg food product that can be consumed as a dietary supplement.
Adults: Mix or shake 3¼ scoops daily in a cold liquid or sprinkle on your salad or other dish. Do not heat, cook or add to hot food or liquid.
Medicinal ingredients (per scoop): IgY Max Hyperimmune Egg Powder (from Gallus gallus)(providing 0.8g protein) ...... 2g
Non-medicinal ingredients: silica
Do you have any questions?
You can reach our team of experts by phone Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm. We will be able to help you choose the right product for you.